Monday, March 16, 2020

Watch and answer

In this activity you have to watch the video and answer the following questions. You can do it directly as a comment but please, copy and paste the questions and answer them. Try to do long and specific answers.

Have a nice evening!

- What is the episode about?
- Describe the beginning middle and end of the story.
- Who are the characters in the story?
- Where does the story take place?
- Can you make up a different ending?


  1. Oki teacher
    I’m Paulii :))

    1. And where are your answers?

    2. They are here:
      What is the episode about?Is about the pink panter had an accident and it goes to the hospital were is a man doing jokes all time to each other
      Describe the beggining middle and the end
      The man and the Pink Panter have a accident and they went to a hospital đŸ„ were they ha Inc. Lunch the Pink Panter change the lunch because he dosen’t like it,and they do an a surgery that he dosen’t need.At the end the Pink Panter get out of the hospital but he fall again
      Who are the characters in the story?
      A man ,the Pink Panter and the doctors
      Were does take place the history?
      The story take place on a hospital
      Can you make another ending?
      The Pink Panter get out of the hospital an one day he see the man and they start to be good friends but with some pranks.
      Best wishes
      Paulaa :)

    3. Thanks for your answers Pauli, here´s some feedback on your grammar:
      - The story TAKES place
      - Choose present or past but try not to mix up tenses.

  2. And have a good evening too :) teacheer

  3. Hello I am Alicia and I am going to answer this questions:
    - What is the episode about?
    The episode is about The Pink Panther getting in an accident with a man,and then they send them to the hospital.In the hospital the man and the panther play “pranks” at eachother and at the end both of them end badly.
    - Describe the beginning middle and end of the story.
    In the begging the man and panther bump each-other and have to go to the hospital, then when they are both going to have lunch , the panther doesn’t like his lunch so he switch is both of the lunch’s so he can have the one he wants.As the panther switched the papers ,the doctors had to do surgeries that he didn’t need.At the end , the doctors free him but the second he goes out he falls down again so he has to go back.The man was still there so the still pranked each other.
    - Who are the characters in the story?
    A man , the Pink Panther and the doctors.
    - Where does the story take place?
    The story takes place in a hospital.
    - Can you make up a different ending?
    The panther goes out the hospital,he goes to his house but one day he sees the man in the street.They both look at each other and the man tries to follow the panther and pull a prank on him.The panther notices so instead he also decides to do a prank.At the end they both do a prank but they end in the hospital again...
    Thanks for reading this
    ( I don’t really know if I was to send this here but oh well
    I hope hearing from you soon
    See you,
    Alicia :)
    (By the way I really enjoyed this video)

    1. Thanks for answering the questions Alice :)

  4. Hi teacher,
    I'm going to answer the questions.
    -What is the episode about?
    The episode is about The Pink Panther that he has an accident,
    so he went to the hospital. At the hospital, he's shearing room
    with a man,and they are the whole time playing jokes to each
    other, and both finished worse.
    -Describe the beginning middle and end of the story.
    It all starts with the accident,so The Pink Panther went to the
    hospital. There, hi exchange all the things his room partner
    had to do and he ate his partner's food and had his surgeries,
    they still make franks to each other. The doctors gave free to
    The Pink Panther, but few seconds later he falls down the
    hospital's windoy, so he comes again to the hospital and makes
    franks to his partner (that was still there).
    -Who are the characters in the story?
    The characters are The Pink Panther, his room partner and the
    -Where does the story take place?
    The story takes place at a hospital.
    -Can you make up a different ending?
    The Pink Panther and his room partner got free, since this, they
    started to be best friends.
    See you soon,

    1. Thanks for your answers Diana :)

  5. Hi im Pablo and in going to answer the questions:
    What the episode about?
    The episode about that the pink panther has accidente while he das eaten a banana.
    Describe the beginning,middle and end of the story
    In the beginning we watched the pink panther Watling a banana. Then has accidente. The ambulance carried to the hospital where was a person that fight a lot of time. Then in the end when the pink panther go down to the stairs he felt and broke vis leg.
    Who are the characters of the story?
    The characters of the story are the pink panther,the doctors and a patient.
    Where does the story take place?
    The story take place in the street and in the hospital.
    Can you make up a different ending?
    Yes, the Pink panther before to left the hospital he did friend of the patient and they left the hospital together.

    I hope that you are good

    I see you soon,


    1. Pablo, can you be more specific with the first queston?
      I´ll give you some feedback on grammar:

      * Then HE has an accident.
      * The ambulance TAKES HIM
      * THERE WAS a person
      * He FELL
      * the story TAKES place

  6. Hi I'm going to answer the questions:
    Why is the episode about? The episode is about the pink panther that he had an accident and he was with another pacient and they didn't get alonge very well.The pink panther sufferan accident they take an a ambulance to the hospital where is a man and they don't get very well and the pink panther did its best to tease the man and the man to tease the pink panther.The doctor gives the pink panther a paper saying he was discharged.When the pink panther left he fell down the stairs and broke his leg and went back to be with the man in the room.Who are the characters in the story?The pink panter,the man and doctors.Where does the story take place?The story takes place at a hospital.Can you make up a different ending?The pink panther purchase a new home with his new partner.

    See you soon,

    Laura A

    1. Hi Laura :) Thanks for answering the questions. Here is my feedback on grammar. Please Check it out!
      - The Pink panther HE (No because you already mentioned Pink panther)
      - The Pink Panther suffers.
      - be more specific in the new ending, can you write a small paragraph?

  7. Hello teacher,I am Dani

    In this episode the pink panther slipped because of a banana and he whent to the hospital, when he got there his room mate was a guy with a weird nose that laught at the pink panther every time. One day the pink panther stole his food and his room mate was angry.

    Some days later a nurse was cheking the pink panther but he started flying on a ballon, he visited all the hospital riding on the ballon until he flew out of the window,when they found him he was worst so he stated in the hospital more days.

    When he finaly could go back home he broke his leg and whent back to the hospital

    Happy (vacations) teacher

  8. Hi Dani! It´s been a while since the last time I saw you. It´s great to see that you know about the blog.
    You have only answered the first question, can you do the rest?

    As for your farewell, I normally like going out to ride my bike or being with my family, going to a restaurant to have diner and meeting friends. Now I can´t do any of that, so I can tell you this doesn´t look like a vacation at all. At least not for me, and it should be like that for you either because you are supposed to be studying and working hard. Plus, this is a serious situation Dani, I wouldn´t call it "vacation". I know your intentions are good but please try to think twice before you say something because you don´t know how people are dealing with this situation :(

    Take care and I hope you can send me the homework soon.

  9. Hello Laura! I'm Sara.
    - What is the episode about?
    It's about the Pink Panther. He went to the hospital because he fell on the street. His roomate on the hospital was a guy that was laughting everytime something bad happened to the Pink Panther.
    - Describe the beginning middle and end of the story.
    The beginning: The Pink Panther fell on the street because of a banana. When he was in the hospital bad things happened to him.
    Middle: One bad thing was that the doctors gave a lot of food to the guy that was with him in the hospital but they gave the Pink Panther a drink.
    End: The Pink Panther could go back home. When he was leaving the hospital he fell and ´´broke´´ his leg so he went back to the hospital with the guy that laughted at everything.
    - Who are the characters in the story?
    The characters in the story are a guy (the one who laughted at everything), the Pink Panther and the doctors.
    - Where does the story take place?
    In the street and then in the hospital.
    - Can you make up a different ending?
    When the Pink Panther goes out the hospital he goes back home. But he feels bad about the guy, so he goes to visit the guy everyday. Later, the guy can go back home so when he is at home, him and the Pink Panther meets everyday.
    This was fun to do :)
    I'm looking forward to hearing from you,

  10. Hi Laura I'm Daniela Ganchev and I'm going to answer the questions.
    - What is the episode about?
    The episode is about the Pink Panther slipping on a banana peel and having to go to the hospital where she is admitted for a long time.
    - Describe the beginning middle and end of the story.
    At first the Pink Panther falls with the banana peel, half they have to operate on him because he changes the menu with his partner and in the end he goes back to the hospital because he falls down the stairs.
    - Who are the characters in the story?
    The characters that appear are the Pink Panther, a mannequin, three nurses, a patient, five doctors and a surgeon.
    - Where does the story take place?
    The story take place in the street and in the hospital.
    - Can you make up a different ending?
    And the companion of the Pink Panther when he is going to hit his leg falls.

  11. Hi Laura this are my answers i am Alvaro
    -what is the episode about?
    The episode is about the panther's stay in the hospital and what happens once he comes out.
    -Describe the beginning middle and end of the story.
    At the beginning the pink panther stumbles on the skin of a banana and for that reason they hospitalize him, in the middle the panther has a diet of water he changes it with his companion and hospital so that they finally give food to the panther they discharge him and they take him outside but when they touch him he falls down the stairs and breaks his leg and that's why they hospitalized him again
    - Who are the characters in the story?
    the characters are the a man the doctors and the pink panther.
    -Where does the story take place?in the hospital
    - Can you make up a different ending?
    if when the doctors dropped him, instead of going in a chair, he went dancing.
