Thursday, March 19, 2020


Welcome back!!

Here I left you the link to "Pruebas CDI" which NOBODY has told me about. I know the point is that you can correct yourselves but... Could you please tell me about it?

Pruebas CDI


  1. Hi I’m Alice
    Talking about the CDI I have actually finished English ,the only thing is that do we correct it ourselves with the correction part or do we send it to you?
    As for science, I only have to do 1 more part which is the one of 2019.
    Again, do we correct it ourselves or do we send it to you?
    I think I did pretty well in both but I happen to notice that each year there is less activities and they are easier.(in my opinion) maybe it’s because some of the things in the tests we have seen or talked about it recently.
    Anyways I hope to see you soon
    Miss u,

    1. The parts which are multiple choice (ABCD) don´t need correction on my side, whereas the ones on writing send them to me by email.
      Miss u too

  2. I didn’tstarted alredt
