Friday, April 17, 2020

Watch carefully ;)

Hi class :)

Take a look at this video because there are some important instructions.


Thursday, April 16, 2020


Hola people :)

Os escribo en Español esta entrada como cosa excepcional para deciros que...


De hecho estoy muy feliz porque me llegan muchísimos y eso significa que estáis trabajando y me hace sentir super orgullosa. Pero por favor, mandadme

UN correo con TODAS las tareas de Science cuando las acabéis TODAS. 

Porque si no yo me vuelvo loca y tardo más en leerlos y mandaros las correcciones. Disculpad si tardo en contestaros pero me estáis mandando muchísimos correos con muchas tareas atrasadas.

Muchas gracias chicos y chicas.

I love you and I miss you

Task 4

Hi class!

This picture is an example of what you have to do in task 4. You can use either the materials the book says or other ones that you find handier.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Proyect time!!!

Hi Class!

I know you haven´t heard from me during these days. It was holidays time so I wanted you to relax and to catch up with all the homework you had to do.

For the following TWO WEEKS we will be doing a proyect on Spanish Geography.

In order to do so you will have to do the following tasks:

  • TASK 1: Create a Power Point of all the Autonomous Communities explaining the most relevant information (Main cities, rivers, mountains, climate, flags...).
  • TASK 2: Design a game (digital or not) to practice the different Autonomous Communities. This game can be a puzzle, domino, memory game... Use your imagination!!!.
  • TASK 3: Become the weather forecaster for a day! Draw or create a map of Spain and explain the weather for the day in all the country. Here you have an example Record yourselves and send me a video!
  • TASK 4: Create a relief map of Spain (Social Science Class book page 15)
  • TASK 5: The mountain group SPORT 2000 from the UK wants to come to Spain to do a long trecking but they are not sure where to go. Create a leaflet in which you talk about the different options they have showing information about it (you may need the information on pages 10 and 12 Class Book but you´ll have to find some more info on the Internet).
  • TASK 6: Get into this website and play the games on maps (rivers, mountains and capitals) until you have all of them right!!!
  • TASK 7: Complete the activities on Unit 1 Social Science Activity Book (I´ll send you the corrections) and also the one on pages 16 and 17 Class Book.
Send me ALL THE TASKS IN ONE EMAIL by Thursday, April 30th. 
Please take your time and do it as complete as possible, you have enough time to do a great job!!!