Saturday, March 14, 2020

Happy Saturday!

Hi guys!

How are you doing? I hope all of you are doing great and making the most of your time at home.

Although I know it´s Saturday and there´s no "school" I just want to give you my email (in case you don´t have it yet) for you to send me your homework so I can start correcting it.


- Diary of a kidney (5 days) telling how kidneys work and how they are important for the Excretory System.

- Comic of a oxygen particle and thelling how it transforms into Carbon Dioxide, thus how the Respiratoy System Works.

- Interview related to the Circulatory System. Note you can do this as a video or in your notebook.

- Verbs in worksheet 13.

Send me the homework by Monday 16th via email so I can correct it and give you feedback.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020


Hi again,

I have just found out this amazing site in which you can explore the body systems in detail.
Besides, there´s a quiz you can take to check your understanding on the topic (scroll down on the left hand side).

Have fun!


(Comment and tel me what you did yesterday after school and what you´re doing right now)


Morning guys!!

I´m here in class (forever alone) 👀.
Here are some games for you to practice the tenses (past present and future). I will upload also a chart where you could see all the different tenses (very similar to the one you have copied in your notebooks).
By the way, finish the verb tense worksheet I gave you, I think it was number 13. 

Remember to remind your classmates to enter the site, please so everybody can be completely aware of what´s going on here.

Have a great day and please don´t stop practising for the CDI tests. I´ll also upgrade some PET & KET practice for you to do at home.

Lots of love from this super empty classroom.

Laura :)


Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Pruebas CDI

Hi guys!

As I told you in class this is the link for the CDI test. Remember, do one each day and try to combine Science and English.