Friday, May 15, 2020


Hi class 💟

I bring you an interview activity. This is:

Choose somebody in your family and interview him/her.

For that, these are the steps you have to follow:

  • Choose the person you are going to interview (mum,dad, sister...)
  • Make a brainstorm of interesting questions suitable to be asked for your interview.
  • Divide those questions into: questions about the past, questions about the present, questions about the future. For doing this use the verbs chart so you use the right verbs and auxiliaries to make the questions (have, did, do, are...)
  • Interview the person recording a video (set up a nice environment, decorate it...) 

Have a super nice weekend and sorry again for not joining yesterday´s video calls.

Thursday, May 14, 2020


Good morning class

There’s something wrong with my internet connection today and I don’t think there’s any possibility for me to connect to the video calls.
I’m trying to figure out what is going on.

I’m sorry guys, I hope to see you next Thursday and I hope you can read this.

Lots of love

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Activities :)

Good morning class 💚

Let´s do some easy reading for today, activity book pages 74 + 75.

In exercise 21 please, make true the false statements in your notebook.

In exercise number 24 please record the role play activity and send me the video, you can do it with someone of your family 😃

I miss you so much!

Monday, May 11, 2020

Valores durante la pandemia

Hola clase 😝

Acabo de caer en que he estado tan centrada en Science & English que hasta ahora no he subido nada de valores 😅

Quiero que lo hagáis en comentarios, no hace falta que me mandéis correos.
La tarea que os propongo es la siguiente:

¿Qué clase de valores (positivos y/o negativos) habéis visto en la sociedad durante la pandemia?

La verdad que molaría que lo reflexionarais bien e hicierais una buena reflexión. Podéis hablar de la gente, las autoridades, los sanitarios, vuestra propia familia e incluso vuestros valores propios.

La tarea es principalmente para la gente de valores, pero podéis hacerla todos los que queráis.

Os echo mucho de menos


Science Project: Europe!!!

Good morning class 🎶

Here is the science project for these two weeks, the task you have to perform are the following ones:

  • TASK 1: Have you ever heard about interrail? It´s a transportation pass that lets you travel all around Europe (take a look at the video). What you have to do is choosing 5 countries in Europe and designing an interrail travel for 15 days. Write a diary day by day describing your trip. You can talk about the monuments or museums you have visited, what you have eaten, the experiences of traveling by train, people you have known... You need to do a lot of research here and expand over the limits of your imagination.
  • TASK 2: In this task you are going to be a tour guide. Choose 5 countries in Europe (DIFFERENT FROM THE ONES ON TASK 1) and make a tour around the most iconic cities explaining the main landmarks and places of interest. For this task you are gonna have to do a powerpoint with pictures and recording yourself (just audio) explaining the main monuments, history, mountains, rivers, food...
  • TASK 3: Create two games, one for practicing the countries and capital cities and another one to practice the main rivers and mountain ranges in Europe. This game has to be different from the one you did last project.
  • TASK 4: Choose 5 european painters and draw 5 pictures that resemble their work.
  • TASK 5: Draw a political al physical map of Europe (notebook)
  • TASK 6: Play the following games to review capitals, rivers and mountain ranges.
  • TASK 7: Activity book Unit 2 exercises and classbook pages 26 and 27.
  • TASK 8: EUROVISION TIME!!! Choose a contry and sing/perform a dance (send me the videos😊)
  • TASK 9: Europe contest. La Comunidad de Madrid ha convocado un concurso sobre Europa, esta tarea es opcional para aquellos que queráis participar. Son juegos de preguntas y respuestas y se participa de manera individual. Finalmente hay premios para los ganadores de cada categoría. Si queréis participar tenéis que ir al siguiente enlace y hacer click en "regístrate"
    Si no queréis participar podéis jugar a los juegos igualmente. Podéis incluso crear los vuestros propios.

Well guys, I think that´s all, let me know if you have any doubts.