Sunday, March 15, 2020

How are you dealing with all this craziness?

Hi again!

I know it´s Sunday but I´m sure you have nothing better to invest your time in.

I just want to ask you how you feel about the situation we´re going through.

Are you scared? worried? Are you feeling calmed? anxious?


As for me, I´m trying to keep my head busy with work, I´m also playing the piano a lot and cooking lots of new recipes. Yesterday I cooked Lamb and cous cous :) It was absolutely delicious.

I´m also thinking about uploading videos to you guys.

Let´s all talk so we feel more in touch with the class.

Hope everything is fine and you and your families are in good health.

Miss u.



  2. Hi I’m Alicia, I am actually pretty chill about this situation however I do want to go back to school(I know some of you guys are probably going to be like “whaaaaaat!”,but I actually enjoy school and I’m am really bored,I really like being outside so that’s probably why) Anyways this days I am obviously AT MY HOUSE and I am finishing my homework, I sometimes read or draw 😊.By the way is it okay if I send my homework to you tomorrow?Its just that I got to finish some tiny thing.Also I think uploading videos is a good idea!!!:))
    I hope to see you guys soon!
    Miss u too :(

    1. Hi Alice! I can see you´re bored, me too... And I´m also willing to go back to school although I don´t know when that is gonna happen.
      Sure! Send me the homework tomorrow, there´s no problem but please do it tomorrow :)

  3. Hi I’m Alicia, I am actually pretty chill about this situation however I do want to go back to school(I know some of you guys are probably going to be like “whaaaaaat!”,but I actually enjoy school and I’m am really bored,I really like being outside so that’s probably why) Anyways this days I am obviously AT MY HOUSE and I am finishing my homework, I sometimes read or draw 😊.By the way is it okay if I send my homework to you tomorrow?Its just that I got to finish some tiny thing.Also I think uploading videos is a good idea!!!:))
    I hope to see you guys soon!
    Miss u too :(

  4. Oops I accidentally posted the comment twice lol😂

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Hello teacher, I´m really bored because I was all this week AT HOME.As for CORONAVIRUS,my mum is super strict with wash our hands very good,don´t leave home...And about me I´m calmed. My favourite time of the day is when we go out to the balcony and we clap. Regarding for cook, today my mum is cooking cous cous (like you).

    1. Anonymous12:11 PM


    2. Thanks for sharing your thoughts Youssef. Going out to the balcony to clap the sanitaries is also my favourite time of the day.
      Please check the latest entry because I have given you the fedback on the verbs tenses.

  7. Anonymous11:57 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hi I’m Paula and this like Alice and Youssef said is very boring because I have lots of Thing to do
    YOU DON’T HAVE ANYTHING TO DOO?? Because me yes ,a lot

  9. Hi teacher! I'm Sara. I am really bored because I don't have anything else to do than playing the guitar and doing my homework. It's really weird that no one is in the streets but a lot of people is buying food and those things. I feel calmed because my dad got a call (two days ago) from his job and now he is doing his work from home. Also because we are not going to visit my grandparents anymore, so they (and we) are safer. I hope we go back to school soon so we can practise the Ket and Pet stuff. My birthday was on Sunday and I couldn't go out but I'm happy because I had the best presents and when Covid-19 stuff stops we are going to go out and celebrate it.
    See you soon :)

  10. Hi, I, am Ana. I am very bored beause I can,t go to badminton and mi mother won't let me play at home because if a break something my mum kills me.😂
