Wednesday, April 29, 2020


Hello people 💞

Today we´re gonna continue doing some activities in our Activity Book (pages 70 & 71) Remember to read the exercises completely because sometimes you have to use your notebook to write the stuff.

ONE LAST THING!!!! I completely forgot about Friday because is "festivo" so we "don´t have class". Which means that...

this Friday there´s no videocall for 6ºA with David

Because of that you´ll have the Social Science Unit 1 test on Monday (study hard because I´m keeping track of your work 👀)

Tomorrow I´ll post some activities for you to practice Social while you study. Besides, tomorrow is the last day for you to send me the project (some of you have already done it)

I miss you


  1. I miss u too and I’m going to do it now

  2. Teacher I can’t enter to sextoB reunion only I enter in the sextoA

  3. Hola Laura👋🏻, yo te envié el proyecto el 29. Lo has recibido?
    Un abrazo,
