Friday, May 15, 2020


Hi class πŸ’Ÿ

I bring you an interview activity. This is:

Choose somebody in your family and interview him/her.

For that, these are the steps you have to follow:

  • Choose the person you are going to interview (mum,dad, sister...)
  • Make a brainstorm of interesting questions suitable to be asked for your interview.
  • Divide those questions into: questions about the past, questions about the present, questions about the future. For doing this use the verbs chart so you use the right verbs and auxiliaries to make the questions (have, did, do, are...)
  • Interview the person recording a video (set up a nice environment, decorate it...) 

Have a super nice weekend and sorry again for not joining yesterday´s video calls.


  1. Hi Laura,
    I have a question about the interview,
    what about the people that doesn't have
    anyone in their family that speak
    That's not my case, but I just wanted to
    ask you.
    Miss you,

    1. Diana, in that case you can do the interview in Spanish and you translate it into English. You can write it and send me the interview as a word file.

      I miss you too

  2. Okay Laura! Ill send it to you later :)
    See u soon
