Saturday, March 14, 2020

Happy Saturday!

Hi guys!

How are you doing? I hope all of you are doing great and making the most of your time at home.

Although I know it´s Saturday and there´s no "school" I just want to give you my email (in case you don´t have it yet) for you to send me your homework so I can start correcting it.


- Diary of a kidney (5 days) telling how kidneys work and how they are important for the Excretory System.

- Comic of a oxygen particle and thelling how it transforms into Carbon Dioxide, thus how the Respiratoy System Works.

- Interview related to the Circulatory System. Note you can do this as a video or in your notebook.

- Verbs in worksheet 13.

Send me the homework by Monday 16th via email so I can correct it and give you feedback.


  1. We have to write in our notebooks the comic, diary and interview, and then send you a photo in your e-mail? Or we just have write it in your e-mail?

    1. It´s better that you send me a picture to my email, that way you have the homework in your notebook and you don´t need to write it twice.
      Who are you? :)

  2. Replies
    1. The worksheet I gave you NUMBER 13. You were supposed to glue it in your notebook.

    2. And if you don't have it? :(

    3. You were supposed to have it... :( Anyway I´ll upload it in a new entry.

  3. Laura, and what happen if we don't know how send you our homework to your e-mail?

    1. I´m sure you will. Do it in your notebook and take a picture with a cell phone. Then send me the picture by email.

  4. I´ve only received Youssef´s English homework so far. I know it´s due for tomorrow but please, don´t leave it for the last minute.

    1. Today I’m going to send the homework :)
      I’m Paula

    2. I send it now,pelase tell me it you have it
